
Button Mitten Ornaments

Tis the season…the turkeys eaten, family and friends have now left and you realize another holiday is approaching! Full speed ahead with the shopping, lists to check off but did you forget that you still need to decorate your tree?

Today I will show you how to quickly add some fun to your tree just with some leftovers from your craft room.  I realized that I too do last minute projects and sometimes it’s with items leftover from last year…During one of my many trips to a local store I found this mitten garland created with recycled sweater – cute and I heard it calling my name (ok maybe it wasn’t really calling my name but we’ve all done it before bought something with the purpose of doing something with it! Well I did…Button Mitten Ornaments.


materials you will need to create your Button Mitten Ornaments:
Assorted La Mode; Collector’s Buttons; la petite; JHB Buttons
mitten garland – or create your own from recycled sweaters (mitten template, poly-fil, needle & thread)
scissors; glue adhesive; assorted ribbon


purchased mitten garland…


carefully removed jute cord not to destroy loop.


assorted buttons & ribbon





Okay all set to create…add ribbon/trim to the top of each mitten secure with adhesive.


Now add your buttons – sometimes it just takes only 1 (one) button to make a perfect Button Mitten Ornament!

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now you’re ready to decorate your tree!

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Crafting!

PS – next year take those mittens and recycle them into a wreath – take those grapevine wreaths and with glue add the Button Mittens and you’ve created an adorable Winter Button Wreath! (just snip off the loops!)

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