Tick tock the clock is ticking and before you know it you’ll be standing in line for some box of chocolates or better yet for some flowers that just may last a week or so….So how about creating something from the heart – “Button Heart Love”. So what are you waiting for – lets go!
Materials needed to create a Buttoned Heart
Buttons – Buttons Jar 4 oz. Red 540001006
The Collection: 450004527 & 450004529
Bliss: 340000004
JHB: 33121
LaMode: 4662 & 4348
Canvas; heart template; red paint/paintbrush; glue adhesive; ink pad/brush; red ribbon
Computer/printer; scissors; wood letters – l, o, v and e

Button Jar 54001006

The Collection 450004527 & 450004529 Bliss 340000004 JHB 33121
To begin – cover your surface with newspaper since you’re working with paint and glue. Paint your canvas and don’t forget the sides. Set aside and let dry. With your computer locate a heart template and print you may have to enlarge so that it fits onto the canvas. With your pencil lightly trace template onto your painted canvas.
With your red buttons from the Button Jar – begin placing your buttons onto the canvas. TIP: before gluing arrange buttons onto canvas – this way you can adjust where needed. Once you’re satisfied with placement – begin gluing.
As you can see – I acutally have several layers – but this is your choice. You can leave one layer or build it up. TIP: if you’re using a hot glue gun or “tacky” adhesive – remember to remove all the “glue” striings.
Using your Bliss, The Collection and JHB buttons – begin adding your “bling” to your heart.
Create a bow with your ribbon. Trim ends.
With your brown ink pad and brush – to create the “aged” look begin tapping or swirling along the edges until you’ve achieved the darkness you desire.
Add your wood letters to the corner. And you’re done! Couldn’t have been simpler!
From our Button Heart to yours – HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!