BUTTONS, It’s Cold Outside!

BRRR – “Baby, it’s Cold Outside” but in our case “Buttons, it’s cold outside”.  Although it may not be in your neck of the woods, however, before you know it,  you’re going to wish you had some hot cocoa to sip on.  So as you’re sipping let’s get crafty and create these 3 Holiday projects created by Patty Schaffer.  Everything you’ll need is available at your local Walmart.  So let’s go…

Patty Schaffer WM Xmas

Materials for all three projects:

Buttons (These are all available at Walmart):
Holiday Buttons: #1104 (evergreen)
#534 (snowflakes)
#1657 (printed buttons)
#2010 (nose & eyes)
#2002 (snowman face)
#1114 (3 snowmen)
Kraft gift bag
Glass Jar with handle
Styrofoam Brand foam ball
White yarn; String; white pearlized pin
Scissors; glue dots, double sided tape

Button Gift Jar

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  1. apply double-sided tape around rim of jar. Attach a length of ribbon to the rim
  2. adhere the Christmas tree button and the snowman button to the rim of the jar using several glue dots. Add a tiny snowflake button to the top of the tree.
  3. make a tag for the jar. Attach it using a thinner ribbon.
  4. fill the bottom of the jar with snowflake buttons.
  5. tuck your gift inside.

Christmas Button Gift Bag

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  1. cut a length of ribbon to fit across the width of the bag.
  2. apply double-sided tape to the back of the ribbon and adhere the ribbon to the front of the bag, about 1/3″ from the bottom.  Refer to photo for placement.
  3. attach a large snowflake button to the ribbon using a glue dot.  Place the snowflake off center.
  4. attach a snowman face button on top of the snowflake button using a glue dot.
  5. randomly adhere snowflake buttons and red buttons to the front of the bag using glue dots.

Snowman Button Head Ornament

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  1. cover the foam ball with double-sided tape.  Wrap yarn around the ball to cover it.
  2. Attach the buttons for the snowman’s face using glue dots.
  3. make a hanger out of string and attach it to the top of the snowman’s head using a pin.

So by the time your done sipping your hot cocoa – you’ve finished three Holiday Button Projects!

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Keep warm – celebrate!




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